13th EURL-AP annual workshop 2019 in Switzerland

This year, our annual workshop will take place in Fribourg (Switzerland) from 7th May to 8th May 2019. Announcement has already been included in the December 2018 newsletter and official invitation to the network is now available on the intranet.



Involved in the eradication of transmis­sible spongiform encephalopathies such as mad cow disease, The mission of the EURL-AP focuses on the detection and identification of pro­hibited animal proteins in livestock feed. To celebrate its 10th anniversary, a day dedicated to the topic of “Animal protein in feed, a solution towards autonomy and sustainability?” was organised on 22 September at the Palais des Congrès in Na­mur. This event provided the opportunity to evaluate the activities of the EURLAP but also to bring up the challenges and possibilities in this area. Various first-hand accounts helped to illustrate the interac­tions between the EURL-AP and the Euro­pean Commission and the 27 national reference laboratories, and with other stakeholders, particularly the agro-food industry, in order to achieve harmonious and effective monitoring of legislation. The presentations delivered that day can be viewed the links below.

Welcome – Gilbert Berben (EURL-AP Director, CRA-W)

Short overview of CRA-W – René Poismans (General Director, CRA-W)

The EU needs the EURL-AP : The EURL-AP support to official controls and economic growth – Eric Thévenard (DG Sante, EU Commission)

Ten years in a nutshell with some history and figures – Vincent Baeten (EURL-AP Deputy Director, CRA-W)

EURL-AP  and Italian NRL-AP: a long lasting relationship – Daniela Marchis (Head of the Italian NRL-AP)

Experience with methods for species detection and identification – Pieter Dercks (EFPRA, Darling Ingredients International)

Detection of processed animal proteins: Milestones towards fit-for-purpose methods – Christoph von Holst (JRC Geel, EU Commission)

Future of protein sourcing for feed use: promises and challenges for the EU feed industry – Arnaud Bouxin (Deputy Secretary General, FEFAC)

Opportunities and Constraints for Farming INSECTS to feed livestock and pet animals: a global overview – Paul Vantomme (FAO)

Lessons learned in Belgium : Their influence on our views of the future of animal products in feed – Christophe Keppens (Belgian Food Safety Agency)

Conclusions and acknowledgements – Pierre Dardenne (Head of Department, CRA-W)

EURL-AP PT PCR 2015 : report form (version Excel 2010) available

Dear NRL Colleagues,

The Excel file containing the instructions, report form and summary is available for download on the intranet document library. Two versions of the document are available: Excel 97-2003 and Excel 2010. Be free to use the most convenient file for you. We wish you a succesful participation.

9th EURL-AP Annual Workshop in Ireland (first announcement)

This year the NRL network will meet from 21 until 23 April 2015 in Celbridge, Ireland. Participation for EU Member States is mandatory. Detailed information and agenda will be posted on the intranet. NRL members are asked to book these dates.

8th EURL-AP Annual Workshop in Riga (Latvia)

This year the NRL network will meet on the 21 and 22 May 2014 in Riga. Participation for EU Member States is mandatory. Detailed information and agenda will be posted on the intranet.

Short course on contaminants in feed and food

The short course will be hosted on 19-22 November 2013 by the Valorisation of Agricultural Products Department (Henseval building) of the Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W) in Gembloux.

The 4th International FEED SAFETY Conference – Methods and Challenges. Beijing, China.

The Conference is organized to present the state of the art and to discuss future challenges. It is a joint organization by the China Agricultural University (CAU), the Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), the Dutch Institute of Food Safety (RIKILT) and the Queen’s University of Belfast (QUB). Former conferences were organized in 2004 and 2007 in Namur (Belgium) and in 2009 in Wageningen (The Netherlands) in the framework of EC projects.

Registration forms are to filled on-line on the website www.feedsafety.org

Following topics will be covered :

  • Recent advances in feed analysis
  • Impact of feed on food safety
  • Risk assessment
  • Traceability
  • Legislation framework
  • Future challenges in feed safety

Areas addressed will include

  • Processed Animal Proteins
  • NPN and organic contaminants (dioxins, PCB’s, pesticides)
  • Feed additives
  • Banned substances
  • Heavy metals
  • Mycotoxins and plant toxins
  • Veterinary drugs
  • GMO’s

Annual meeting of the IAG, International Association of Feedingstuff Analysis – Section Feedingstuff Microscopy

The next annual meeting of the IAG, International Association of Feedingstuff Analysis – Section Feedingstuff Microscopy will take place in Freising, Germany at the Kardinal-Döpfner-Haus from the 12th to the 14th June 2012. Program includes following topics : animal proteins detection and identification, undesirable substances, weed seeds, ring tests’ results presentation. For registrations contact Dr Monika Ruhland at iagtagung2012@lgl.bayern.de

Annual meeting of the IAG

The next annual meeting of the IAG, International Association of Feedingstuff Analysis – Section Feedingstuff Microscopy will take place in Duisburg-Rheinhausen, Germany from the 7th to the 9th June 2011.

5th EURL-AP Workshop in Vienna, Austria

As announced in the CRL-AP newsletter of December 2010, the next EURL-AP Annual Workshop will take place in Vienna on 6 and 7 April 2011 from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m.

One of the main subject of this workshop will be the PCR method implementation.

Address of the hotel and the workshop sessions :

Austria Trend Hotel Donauzentrum
Wagramerstrasse 83-85
A – 1220 Vienna