Removal of documents published before 2010: please read the full message for more details.
Dear NRL Colleagues,
We inform you that we are currently working on the EURL-AP website and the intranet. A new technical update is required for both tools. We will also take benefits of this upgrade to transfer the micrograph collection in a revised user interface on the website. It means that the collection will eventually be openly available… Please inform on due time your national network of laboratories of this change.
We also notify you that we will REMOVE ALL DOCUMENTS (reports, PPT, newsletters, former PT documents,…) being edited or posted before 2010 on both the website and the intranet document library. Legal texts are not concerned by this clean up. Therefore we invite you to go through the website and the intranet document library to download any document you would like to keep for your team before the 1st of September 2020.
Of course we will keep archives of all these documents which may always be sent to you on request.
Thank you for considering this message.
Meanwhile we wish you and your team a sunny summer break.