Initially edited three times a year, it turned into a semi-annual appointment of information. The EURL-AP is editing its newsletter for the NRL network and stakeholders. Classically the June edition delivers reporting on the annual meeting while the December edition deals with prospective research items, activities planned for the next coming year as well as information on upcoming events and meetings. A way for NRLs to stay tuned on the network life. Newsletters are diffused by way of the intranet where they can be downloaded. Hereunder some summaries of the editions:

Newsletter n°16 – December 2013

Announcement of the next workshop, some few words on the on-going proficiency test for microscopy based on the revised method published by EU regulation 51/2013, further insights on FISH method and change of supplier for the ruminant calibrants constitute the main menu of this edition. Aside this, information on training sessions and the publication of insect micrographs into the EURL-AP Micrograph Collection is delivered. Finally, short reporting on past missions is given.

Newsletter n°15 – June 2013

This newsletter reports the minutes of the 7th EURL-AP Annual Workshop held in Ljubljana in April 2013. The agenda of the workshop was focusing on the requirements linked to the change of EU regulation on animal feed by the reintroduction of PAPs in aquafeed since 1st June 2013. Lectures on the implementation of the PCR and the microscopic methods, on the proficiency tests are detailed. Discussions on the possible SOP improvement are reported to. A lecture on a new FISH method for bone identification is presented.

Newsletter n°14 – December 2012

An overview of the forthcoming legislative changes related to the reintroduction of non-ruminant PAPs in aquafeed is commented. The newsletter also informs on the SOP managing procedures decided by an expert group of NRL members. A review of the EURL-AP missions is detailed. Several announcements are written: trainings, next coming workshop…

Newsletter n°13 – June 2012

This edition presents the minutes of the 6th EURL-AP Annual Workshop which was held in Berlin in April 2012. Special focus on laboratory cross contamination issue is discussed. Assessment and validation of new ruminant PCR method from TNO Triskelion is presented. Discussion on the future methods combination is included as well as alternative methods.

Newsletter n°12 – December 2011

The next edition of the EURL-AP annual workshop will take place in Berlin in 2012. Announcement of a proficiency test on GTH detection in animal by-products will be organised in 2012. The newsletter also present information on the EURL-AP missions : AOCS annual meeting in Cincinnati begin of May 2011, IAG annual meeting in Germany begin of June 2011… Some information on the collaboration of the EURL-AP to the Better Training for Safer Food (BTSF) platform is presented as well as other events that will take place in 2012.

Newsletter n°11 – June 2011

This newsletter includes the minutes of the workshop held in April in Vienna including results and discussion of the microscopy and PCR ILS 2010, revision of protocol: implementation of LOD data and minor improvements, imaging services, trainings on microscoppy and new supporting tools at the EURL-AP, presentation of the TSE Road map II, status of the development and the validation of PCR tests at the EURL-AP as well as the detection of marine mammals using PCR methods.

Newsletter n°10 – December 2010

2011 will be a pivotal year for the EURL-AP: launch of the PCR platform inside the network, a new public Website, change of logo and name.  
The EURL-AP is preparing an interlaboratory study for the first half of 2011. The aim will be to investigate the potential of the PCR probes already used by some NRLs with a special focus for the foreground ruminant and poultry tests.  

Newsletter n°9 – June 2009

Minutes of the workshop held in Turin : results and discussion on PT2009, discussion on the revision work on Annex VI of Regulation 152/2009 protocol, online demo of the new release of ARIES 2 and use of the Zeiss Microdissector laser Palm for PAP detection.  
The current status of Epidemiology of BSE : the overall decline of the epidemic is clear but surveillance and major risk management measures are still crucial.

Newsletter n°8 – December 2009

The microscopic observation of different bones of sea mammals is ongoing.
A film on sample preparation was recorded on a DVD by the CRL-AP and send to each NRL. This DVD aims to illustrate the implementation of the Annex VI of Regulation 152/2009 and all required information (including tips and tricks) for the preparation of permanent slides with NOA65.

Newsletter n°7 – May 2009

Minutes of the workshop in Gembloux : results and discussion about PT2008, revision of Directive 123/2006, alternative methods : NIRM, PCR and evaluation by the CRL-AP of the “ReVeal for Ruminant ” immunoassay for the detection of ruminant proteins in PAPs.  
Review of the feed ban : actual and future perspectives presented by an EC representative (DG SANCO).

Newsletter n°6 – December 2008

A study was set up with a set of 12 permanent slides of fish adulterated feed sediments which travelled around Europe. The aim of this study was to observe the quantification variability between the NRLs, based on a same material in order to assess the level of accuracy.
Three European laboratories (TNO, VLA and CRA-W) developed real time PCR methods able to detect low levels of PAPs in feed. The CRAW proposed a protocol for the transfer of its PCR method focusing on a bovine target. A call was sent to European laboratories experienced in real time PCR to participate to the validation of this PCR transferability protocol .

Newsletter n°5 – May 2008

Minutes of the workshop in Namur : discussion on the pro and cons of Alizarin Red Staining, results and discussion on PT2007 and ILS 2007.  
An EC representative (DG SANCO) summarizes the situation regarding the feed ban and the forthcoming expecting changes. 

Newsletter n°4 – February 2008

Announcement of the first training sessions for NRLs.
Tools for the NRL network : CRL-AP intranet platform, micrograph collection, Feed Safety Platform, bibliographic references database about European information on feedsafety.

Newsletter n°3 – December 2007

Emergence of new challenges for NRLs : enforcement of the quantification method, continuous training support for the improvement of their skills in contamination detection, the introduction of fish meal for cattle feed as wanted by the EU Member States and legal authorities. Launch of the micrographs collection that will include images from all possible achievable fractions coming either from compound feeds or feed ingredients.

Newsletter n°2 – June 2007

Minutes of the workshop in Gembloux : the importance of the communication as a key of improvement of the dissemination of information within the NRL network, results reporting of the CRL-AP ILS 2006, presentation and demonstration of ARIES programme (Animal remains identification and evaluation system), each NRLs received a copy of it.

Newsletter n°1 – January 2007

Inauguration of the CRL-AP
The official CRL-AP website, intended for public visitors and the Intranet platform are available for all persons involved in the CRL-AP project.
An expert group in microscopy has also been created in order to propose in particular research topics and enhance protocols.